Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
SCOPUS h-index:
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330 by
210 documents
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and Fäh, D., 2018. Development of hazard- and amplification-consistent elastic design spectra. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Special Issue “Seismic ground response and site effects: From theoretical and experimental studies to design codes”. In press.  

Foti, S., Hollender, S., Garofalo, F., Albarello, D., Asten, M., Bard, P.-Y., Comina, C., Cornou, C., Cox, B., Di Giulio, G., Forbriger, T., Hayashi, K., Lunedei, E., Martin, A., Mercerat, D., Ohrnberger, M., Poggi, V., Renalier, F., Sicilia, D., Socco, L.V., 2017. Guidelines for the good practice of surface wave analysis: a product of the InterPACIFIC project. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. doi: 10.1007/s10518-017-0206-7. 
Poggi, V., Durrheim, R., Mavonga Tuluka, G., Weatherill, G., Gee, R., Pagani, M., Nyblade, A., Delvaux, D., 2017. Assessing Seismic Hazard of the East African Rift: a pilot study from GEM and AfricaArray. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Volume 15, Issue 11, 4499–4529. 
Poggi, V., Burjánek, J., Michel, C., and Fäh, D., 2017. Seismic site-response characterization of high-velocity sites using advanced geophysical techniques: application to the NAGRA-Net. Geophys. J. Int. Volume 210, Issue 2, 645-659. 
Adly, A., Poggi, V., Fäh, D., Hassoupa, A., Omranb, A., 2017. Combining active and passive seismic methods for the characterization of urban sites in Cairo, Egypt. Geophys. J. Int. Volume 210, Issue 1, 428-442. 
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and Fäh, D., 2017. A comparative analysis of site-specific response spectral amplification models. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Special Issue, Volume 98, 16–26. 
Manea, E.-F., Michel, C., Poggi, V., Fäh, D., Radulian, M. and Balan, F. 2016. Improving the shear wave velocity structure beneath Bucharest (Romania) using ambient vibrations. Geophys. J. Int., Volume 207, Issue 2, 848-861. 
Garofalo, F., Foti, S, Hollender, F., Bard, P.-Y., Cornou, C., Cox, B.R., Ohrnberger, M., Sicilia, D., Asten, M., Di Giulio, G., Forbriger, T., Guillier, B., Hayashi, K., Martin, A., Matsushima, S., Mercerat, D., Poggi, V. and Yamanaka, H.. 2016. InterPACIFIC project: Comparison of invasive and non-invasive methods for seismic site characterization. Part I: Intra-comparison of surface wave methods. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Volume 82, 222-240. 
Dal Moro, G., Keller, L. and Poggi, V., 2015. A comprehensive seismic characterisation via multi-component analysis of active and passive data. First Break, Volume 33, Issue 9, 45-53. 
Poggi, V., Ermert, L., Burjánek, J., Michel, C. and Fäh, D., 2015. Modal analysis of 2-D sedimentary basin from frequency domain decomposition of ambient vibration array recordings. Geophys. J. Int., Volume 200, 615-626. 
Ermert, L., Poggi, V., Burjnek, J. and Fäh, D., 2014. Fundamental and higher two-dimensional resonance modes of an Alpine valley. Geophys. J. Int., Volume 198, Issue 2, 795-811. 
Michel C., Edwards B., Poggi, V., Burjánek J., Roten D., Cauzzi C. and Fäh D., 2014. Assessment of site effects in Alpine regions through systematic site characterization of seismic stations. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Volume 104, Issue 6, 2809-2826. 
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and Fäh, D., 2013. Reference S-wave velocity profile and attenuation models for ground-motion prediction equations: application to Japan, Bull. Seim. Soc. Am., Volume 103, Issue 5, 2645-2656. 
Edwards, B., Michel, C., Poggi V. and Fäh, D., 2013. Determination of Site Amplification from Regional Seismicity: Application to the Swiss National Seismic Networks. Seism. Res. Lett., Volume 84, Issue 4, 611-621. 
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and Fäh, D., 2012. Characterizing the vertical to horizontal ratio of ground-motion at soft sediment sites, Bull. Seim. Soc. Am., Volume 102, Issue 6, 2741-2756. 
Poggi, V., Fäh, D. and D. Giardini, 2012. T-f-k analysis of surface waves using the continuous wavelet transform, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 170, Issue 3 , 319-335. 
Poggi, V., Fäh, D., Burjánek, J. and Giardini, D., 2012. The use of Rayleigh wave ellipticity for site-specific hazard assessment and microzonation. An application to the city of Luzern (Switzerland). Geophys. J. Int., Volume 188, Issue 3, 1154-1172. 
Edwards, B., Poggi V. and Fäh, D., 2011. A predictive equation for the vertical to horizontal ratio of ground-motion at rock sites based on shear wave velocity profiles: application to Japan and Switzerland. Bull. Seim. Soc. Am., Volume 101, Issue 6, 2998-3019. 
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and Fäh, D., 2011. Derivation of a Reference Shear-Wave Velocity Model from Empirical Site Amplification. Bull. Seim. Soc. Am., Volume 101, Issue 1, 258-274. 
Burjánek, J., Gassner-Stamm, G., Poggi, V., Moore, J. R. and Fäh, D., 2010. Ambient vibration analysis of an unstable mountain slope, Geophys. J. Int., Volume 180, Issue 2, 820-828. 
Poggi, V. and Fäh, D., 2010. Estimating Rayleigh wave particle motion from three-component array analysis of ambient vibrations. Geophys. J. Int., Volume 180, Issue 1, 251-267. 
Submitted / Under Review Journal Articles
Articles in Preparation
Books / Book's Chapters
Bard, P.-Y., Cadet, H., Endrun, B., Hobiger, M., Renalier, F., Theodulidis, N., Ohrnberger, M., Fäh, D., Sabetta, F., Teves-Costa, P., Duval, A.-M., Cornou, C., Guillier, B., Wathelet, M., Savvaidis, A., Khler, A., Burjánek, J., Poggi, V., Gassner-Stamm, G., Havenith, H. B., Hailemikael, S., Almeida, J., Rodrigues, I., Veludo, I., Lacave, C., Thomassin, S. and Kristekova, M. 2010. From non-invasive site characterization to site amplification: recent advances in the use of ambient vibration measurements. In: M. Garevski, A. Ansal (eds.), Earthquake Engineering in Europe. Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 17, Part 2, 105-123.
Scientific / Project Reports, Deliverables (Selected)
Poggi, V., Durrheim, R., Mavonga Tuluka, G., Pagani, M., Weatherill, G., Garcia, J. and Nyblade, A., 2016. A Seismic Hazard Model for Sub-Saharan Africa. GEM Technical Report, Version 1.0.
Poggi, V. and D. Fäh, 2015. A proposal for horizontal and vertical elastic design spectra. Input for the new Swiss code for dams. Project report SED/BFE/R/01/06072015.
Poggi, V. and D. Fäh, 2015. Guidelines and strategies for implementation of seismic site response in risk tools, Part I: Current state-of-the-art and microzonation best practice. Scientific report SED/BAFU/R/01/20150630.
Poggi, V. and D. Fäh, 2015. Guidelines and strategies for implementation of seismic site response in risk tools, Part II: SED dataset overview and proposals for implementation. Scientific report SED/BAFU/R/02/20150630.
Poggi, V. and D. Fäh, 2014. NAGRA-Net Site Characterization. Project report SED/NAGRA/R/20141226.
Poggi, V., Michel, C. and D. Fäh, 2014. Mont Terri Laboratory - Report on Site Characterization (MTI01/02/03). Technical report SED/ROCKLAB/R/20141211.
Poggi, V., J. Burjánek, B. Edwards and D. Fäh, 2013. SED Extended Velocity Profiles at Rock Sites. Technical report SED/PRP/R/039/20130822.
Poggi, V. and D. Fäh, 2013, Calibration of a reference profile for host-to-target correction of ground motion models. Technical report SED/PRP/R/40/20131007.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and D. Fäh, 2012. Verification of response spectral amplification functions from the SHARE project. Technical report SED/SHARE/R/001/20121114.
Poggi, V., B. Edwards and D. Fäh, 2012. Empirical estimation of kappa from rock velocity profiles at the Swiss NPP sites. Technical report SED/PRP/R/036/20121217.
Fäh D., Poggi, V., Marano S., Michel C., Burjánek J., Bard P-Y., Cornou C., Wathelet M., Renalier F., Hobiger M., Cadet H., Ohrnberger M., Endrun B., Savvaidis A., Theodulidis N., Kristekova M., Hailemikael S. and Sabetta F., 2010. Guidelines for the implementation of ambient vibration array techniques: measurement, processing and interpretation. NERIES deliverable JRA4 Task D9.
Edwards, B., D. Fäh, B. Allmann and Poggi, V., 2010. Stochastic ground motion model for Switzerland. Technical report SED/PRP/R/006/20100526.
Fäh, D., Fritsche, S., Poggi, V., Gassner-Stamm, G., Kästli, P., Burjánek, J., Zweifel, P., Barman, S., Clinton, J., Keller, L., Renault, P., and Heuberger, S., 2009, Determination of Site Information for Seismic Stations in Switzerland, Swiss Seismological Service. Technical report: SED/PRP/R/004/20090831.
Fäh, D., Wathelet, M., Kristekova, M., Havenith, H.-B., Endrun, B., Stamm, G., Poggi, V., Burjánek, J., and Cornou, C., 2009, Using ellipticity information for site characterization. NERIES deliberable JRA4 Task B2., 54 pp.
Stamm, G., Fäh, D., Poggi, V. and Löw, I., 2009. H/V measurements in the area of Visp and St. Niklaus. Technical report, COGEAR Module 3, Task 3.2, SED/COGEAR/R/001/20090301.
Conference Papers / Proceedings
Garcia, J., Pagani, M., Weatherill, G., Poggi, V. and Rodriguez L. 2017. Building a open seismic hazard model for South America: the SARA-PSHA model. 16th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Santiago, Chile.
Pagani, M., Garcia, J., Poggi, V. and Weatherill, G., 2016. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis: issues and challenges from the GEM perspective. Proceedings of the 5th IASPEI/IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion (ESG), Taipei, Taiwan.
Fäh, D., Burjánek, J., Hobiger, M., Michel, C., Maranò, S., Poggi, V., Pilz, M., Kleinbrod, U., Edwards, B., Imperatori W. and Roten, D., 2016. Assessment of the complex seismic response of geological structures, Proceedings of the 5th IASPEI/IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion (ESG), Taipei, Taiwan.
Michel, C., Edwards, B., Poggi, V., Burjánek, J., Cauzzi, C., and Fäh, D., 2014. Site Effects in Alpine Regions from Systematic Site Characterization at Strong Motion Stations. 2ECEES, Istanbul, Turkey.
Wiemer, S., Hiemer, S., Woessner, J., Danciu, L., Fäh, D., Edwards, B., Cauzzi, C., Michel, C., Poggi, V., Kissling, E., Kaestli, P. and Giardini, D. 2014. The 2014 update of the Swiss national seismic hazard model - key science issues. 2ECEES, Istanbul, Turkey.
Michel, C., Edwards, B., Poggi, V., and Fäh, D., 2013. Ground motion amplification in alpine regions: new insights from the Swiss Strong Motion Network. VEESD 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and Fäh, D., 2012. The quarter-wavelength average velocity: a review of some past and recent application developments. 15th WCEE. Lisbon, Portugal.
Burjánek, J., Fäh, D., Michel, C., Dalguer, L., Baumann, C., Gassner-Stamm, G., Poggi, V., Roten, D., Laue, J., Marin, A., Lestuzzi, P. and Karbassi, A., 2012, Earthquake Damage Scenario in Visp (Switzerland): From Active Fault to Building Damage. 15th WCEE. Lisbon, Portugal.
Poggi, V. and Fäh, D., 2011. T-F-K Analysis of Surface Waves Using the Continuous Wavelet Transform. ESG 2011. Santa Barbara, California.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B. and Fäh, D., 2011. Characterizing the Vertical to Horizontal Ratio of Ground-Motion in Soft Sediment Sites. ESG4 2011. Santa Barbara, California.
Edwards, B., Poggi, V. and Fäh, D., 2011. A Predictive Equation for the Vertical to Horizontal Ratio of Ground-Motion at Rock Sites Based on Shear Wave Velocity Profiles. ESG4 2011. Santa Barbara, California.
Burjánek, J., Poggi, V., Fäh, D., 2011. Estimation of Local Site Effects in the Upper Valais (Switzerland). ESG4 2011. Santa Barbara, California.
Cauzzi, C., Faccioli, E., Poggi, V., Fäh, D. and Edwards, B., 2011. Prediction of Displacement Response Spectra for Low-to-Moderate Seismicity Regions and F<1Hz. Merging the Swiss Earthquake Waveform Archive with a Global Fully Digital Strong Motion Dataset. ESG4 2011. Santa Barbara, California.
Michel, C., Fäh, D., Poggi, V., Burjánek, J., and C. Cauzzi, 2011. Site Characterization Strategy for the Swiss Strong Motion Network. ESG4 2011. Santa Barbara, California.
Fäh, D., Fritsche., S., Roten, D., Stamm, G., Kästli, P. and Poggi, V., 2008, Eartquakes damages related to site effects: a case study for an alpine valley, 14th WCEE, Beijing, China.
Oral Presentations / Posters (Not as Proceedings)
Poggi, V., Pagani, M., Weatherill, G., Garcia, J., Durrheim, R., Mavonga, G. and Nyblade, A. A new PSHA model for Sub-Saharan Africa using OpenQuake and the GEM Modeling Toolkits. 35th General assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Trieste (Italy), 4-10 September 2016.
Poggi, V., Pagani, M., Weatherill, G. and Garcia, J. Hazard models, datasets and tools developed within the Global Earthquake Model initiative. AfricaArray Workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa. 17-23 January 2016.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B., Dal Moro, G. Keller, L. and Fäh, D. Seismic response analysis of NAGRA-Net stations using advanced geophysical techniques. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna (Austria), 12-17 April 2015.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B., Fäh, D. A comparative analysis of SHARE and SED response spectral amplification models. 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), Istanbul (Turkey), 24-29 August 2014.
Poggi, V., Ermert, L., Michel, C., Fäh, D. Modal analysis of 2-D sedimentary basin from frequency domain decomposition of ambient vibration array recordings. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna (Austria), 27 April - 2 May 2014.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B., Fäh, D. A Kappa Model to Predict the Attenuation Characteristics of Gradient-Like Velocity Profiles. Annual meeting of the Seismological Society of America (SSA), Salt Lake City (Utah), 17-19 April 2013.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B., Fäh, D. Combined estimation of kappa and shear-wave velocity profile of the Japanese rock reference. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2013.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B., Fäh, D., Effect of surface average s-wave velocity on the V/H ratio of the ground motion: comparing rock and soft sediment sites, 33th General assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Moscow (Russia), 6-10 September 2012.
Poggi, V., Edwards, B., Fäh, D., Derivation of a Reference Bedrock Model for Switzerland from Empirical Site Amplification and Direct Measurements, 32th General assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Monpellier (France), 6-10 September 2010.
Poggi, V., Fäh, D., Burjánek, J., Giardini, D., The use of Rayleigh wave ellipticity for site specific hazard assessment and microzonation with application to the city of Luzern, Switzerland, 32th General assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Monpellier (France), 6-10 September 2010.
Poggi, V., Fäh D., Estimating Rayleigh wave particle motion from three-component array analysis of ambient vibrations and its application to seismic local response analysis. Annual meeting of the Seismological Society of America (SSA), Monterey (California), 8-10 April 2009.
Poggi, V., Burjánek, J., Fäh, D., A comparison study between site amplification estimation methods in Visp. COGEAR 3rd annual meeting, Visp (Switzerland), January 2011.
Poggi, V., Burjánek, J., Fäh, D., The use of Rayleigh wave ellipticity for seismic response modeling of sedimentary basins: application to the town of Visp. COGEAR 2nd annual meeting, Visp (Switzerland), January 2010.
Poggi, V., Fäh, D., Assessing the 1d velocity structure of Visp using three components hv-fk analysis of ambient vibration. COGEAR 1st annual meeting, Visp (Switzerland), January 2009.
Poggi, V., Fäh, D., Rayleigh wave particle motion estimation through three-component array analysis of ambient vibrations, 31th General assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Crete (Greece), 7-12 September 2008.